Financial Services

Banking Pneumatic Drive-thru Systems

Secure Cash Transfer with Pneumatic Tubes – When most people think of pneumatic tubing systems, they think of visiting a bank drive-thru. This is a popular application of pneumatic tubes but it is just one of many. Iron Aegis specializes in designing and implementing pneumatic tube systems for banking as well as manufacturing, casino, commercial and industrial environments.

ATM Installation, Secure Upgrades, and Repair

For our financial partners, we realize that they have ATMs for a reason and which is primarily to increase their cash revenue as well as provide the convenience to their customers. This is why the we believe the support and maintenance is crucial and make sure that do whatever possible to bring the ATM up when it has just experienced a problem to performing quality and detailed PMs (Preventive Maintenance). Because we are a security company first, we focus on security aspect of our ATM installations and maintenance whether it be a physical security component such as a cameras to the Cyber aspects like the local network security architecture, OS vulnerabilities and/or configuration. As our mission states, we believe in treating both physical and cyber security equally as each relies on each other for a proper security posture. This is why recommend only certain ATM vendors which is capable of meeting our security standard that will not assist in maintaining the standards long term, not a quick patch.

Cyber/Physical Security Compliance

When it comes to compliance whether that be PCI, NCUA or Gramm-leach-Bliley, Iron Aegis can help you with adhering to required standards or addressing and mitigating security vulnerabilities to improve your security posture which leads to a better evaluation or score when audited. We have multiple years of experience in both physical and cyber security in the financial industry and understand the areas which are important and need to be prioritized.

Reach out

    • Prevention

      Foundational technology, tools and policies for a secure

    • Visibility

      Ongoing assessments of sanctioned and unsanctioned

    • Intelligence

      Situational awareness to identify and mitigate anomalous

    • Prevention

      Automatic and orchestrated response systems

    Why choose us

    When implementing any one of our security solutions.  We also know there isn’t a one size fits all solution and budget for every customer.  That is why we meet with all of our new customer and clients in person to understand your current business needs, requirements, and budget prior to developing a solution.  Our solutions are custom – no matter whether your organization requires a sophisticated, defense in depth solution or a budget based video surveillance system, our solution are custom tailored for you.  Regardless of the solution that is selected, security is still the focus and will not be compromised.  That is why the pay careful attention to detail in selection of products, vendors, and security equipment we use in all our solutions.  For example, due to the significant vulnerabilities imposed by Chinese security equipment, Iron Aegis stands firm and is behind the U.S. government on its ban on any associated Chinese-based equipment.